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Celebrate You This Valentine’s Day

Victoria Brown, LPC
Counselor, Insight Clinical Counseling and Wellness, LLC

Celebrate your most important relationship! The one you have with yourself. The relationship that you have with yourself will be the longest and most important relationship you will ever be in. This Valentine’s Day do not forget to show the most important person in your life how much you love them. YOURSELF! Throughout the year, we focus on the tasks we need to do. The work that needs to be done at home and at work. Sometimes we forget about ourselves. This year, love yourself.

Be kind to yourself. Do something that will lift your mood. Take a walk in nature, turn up the radio and sing along to your favorite song, draw, paint, spend time outdoors doing your favorite hobby, or just breathe in the fresh, crisp air, go to a sporting event, or get a group of friends together to play a game. Send Valentine’s Day cards to your family and friends. To all your loved ones. Invest in the people you love this year. Have a day of gratitude for those special friends in your life. Think of positive changes and opportunities you can provide yourself. Reframing your perception of your life. It can give you an opportunity to pause, reflect, and reset. Think of ways that you can make positive changes in your life.

Take responsibility for your health and well-being. Valentine’s Day can be a day when you feel alone and start to have negative self-talk. Think about what you would say to a friend who was feeling lonely on this day and use that voice on yourself. Allow your inner voice to be your friend, rather than the negative self-talk and harsh words you use on yourself but never would with a friend.

Lastly, you love to see your family and friends happy but consider avoiding social media for the days leading up to Valentine’s Day. It can be difficult to see others having something you want. But turning off social media will give you time to focus on YOU. Always remember that a person’s social media page is often their “highlight reel,” never showing the whole story and usually finding the best parts of their life to show the world.

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