the founder

Jessica Oates,
Counselor & Founder


There is no better time than today to begin working on creating your path to wellness. At Insight Clinical Counseling and Wellness, our team will meet you where you’re at, wherever that may be. And with a keen focus on setting goals for treatment, it is my hope that my team and I can be a healing presence on your path to recovery, wellness and self-actualization.

There is no better time than today to begin working on creating your path to wellness. At Insight Clinical Counseling and Wellness, our team will meet you where you’re at, wherever that may be. And with a keen focus on setting goals for treatment, it is my hope that my team and I can be a healing presence on your path to recovery, wellness and self-actualization.

Our team

At Insight Clinical Counseling and Wellness, we’ve developed a team of experienced, compassionate and highly skilled professionals to help meet each of our clients’ needs. Whether in-person or telehealth, our team is here to help you reach your wellness goals.

i am looking for …

i am looking for …

Jessica Oates

Jessica Oates

Megan Smith

Megan Smith

Ruba Alhamid

Ruba Alhamid

Mari Alschuler

Mari Alschuler

Christine Andujar

Christine Andujar

Samantha Apanasewicz

Samantha Apanasewicz

Makayla Arcuragi

Makayla Arcuragi

Angela Austin

Angela Austin

Jessica Behrens

Jessica Behrens

Rachel Biro

Rachel Biro

Whitney Boffo

Whitney Boffo

Michael Boyce

Michael Boyce

Gia Bagnoli-Brown

Gia Bagnoli-Brown

Victoria Brown

Victoria Brown

Angelica Banks

Angelica Banks

Angel Brock

Angel Brock

Gregory Brown

Gregory Brown

Madisyn Carter

Madisyn Carter

Judy Ciccone

Judy Ciccone

Marci Cullivan

Marci Cullivan

Colleen Cooper

Colleen Cooper

John Danso

John Danso

Beth Dattilio

Beth Dattilio

Jess Dempsey

Jess Dempsey

Lexi Denney

Lexi Denney

Madeleine Doyle

Madeleine Doyle

Ashlee Edwards

Ashlee Edwards

Nancy Fingerhood

Nancy Fingerhood

Jennifer Francis

Jennifer Francis

Katie Freeborn

Katie Freeborn

Isabella Foley

Isabella Foley

Emma Forner

Emma Forner

Jackie Gamble

Jackie Gamble

Sharon Goodin

Sharon Goodin

Shaiyla Hakeem

Shaiyla Hakeem

RuthAnn Hall

RuthAnn Hall

Shawnda Hochstetler

Shawnda Hochstetler

Chandler Hoppel

Chandler Hoppel

Alyssa Hunter

Alyssa Hunter

Casie Johnston

Casie Johnston

Jessica Johnson

Jessica Johnson

Anna Judge

Anna Judge

Heidi Katabi-Kekel

Heidi Katabi-Kekel

Hannah Kilbert

Hannah Kilbert

Dave Knickerbocker

Dave Knickerbocker

Daniel Koehler

Daniel Koehler

Bethany Koenig

Bethany Koenig

Sarah Laite

Sarah Laite

Jackie Laverick

Jackie Laverick

Sophie Marino

Sophie Marino

Barbara Marsch

Barbara Marsch

Sarah Martin

Sarah Martin

Ashley Mauro

Ashley Mauro

Staci May

Staci May

Stephanie McDivitt

Stephanie McDivitt

Stephanie McDivitt

Stephanie McDivitt

Erin McGee-Hopkins

Erin McGee-Hopkins

Micah Meloni

Micah Meloni

Charlene Milano

Charlene Milano

Corinne Milentijevic

Corinne Milentijevic

Rose Miletic

Rose Miletic

Madison Moser

Madison Moser

Erin Murray

Erin Murray

Amy Nash

Amy Nash

Sarah Peterson

Sarah Peterson

Jacquelyn Phillips

Jacquelyn Phillips

Jennifer Poling

Jennifer Poling

Amy Purcell

Amy Purcell

Tristan Reynolds

Tristan Reynolds

Dr. Jessica Rocco

Dr. Jessica Rocco

Kimberly Russell

Kimberly Russell

Andrew Ryan

Andrew Ryan

Robert Sanchez

Robert Sanchez

Kiah Sartain

Kiah Sartain

Aline Scott

Aline Scott

Alexandria “Alex” Simms

Alexandria “Alex” Simms

Quayla Simms

Quayla Simms

Georgia Smith

Georgia Smith

Jocelyn Smith

Jocelyn Smith

Megan Smith

Megan Smith

Kathy Sodergren

Kathy Sodergren

Kaity Spitak

Kaity Spitak

Kimberly Steele

Kimberly Steele

Trish Taylor

Trish Taylor

Melinda Toth

Melinda Toth

Samantha Apanasewicz

Tricia Truax

Samantha Apanasewicz

James Vincent

Alexis Vogler

Alexis Vogler

Alexis Vogler

Alexis Vogler

Kimberly Vrabel

Kimberly Vrabel

Crystal Ward

Crystal Ward

Anna Wickett

Anna Wickett

Ginger Wilczak

Ginger Wilczak

Teresa Wilson

Teresa Wilson

Kayla Winters

Kayla Winters

Cassandra Wylie

Cassandra Wylie

Chelsey Zoldan-Calhoun

Chelsey Zoldan-Calhoun

Brinkley Foley

Brinkley Foley

Maggie Sodergren

Maggie Sodergren

Rebel Oates

Rebel Oates

Scooby Doo

Scooby Doo

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